
Ip Man Wing Chun Series: Wooden Dummy - Volume 3

International Wing Chun Martial Art Association Instructional Video

For hundreds of years, the wooden dummy has been a training tool for martial artists. The Wing Chun Mok Yan Jong is a unique invention designed specifically to enhance the skills of Wing Chun practitioners. This video, along with its companion book, gives the most complete instruction to date to unlock the secrets of the Wing Chun Mok Yan Jong. Practice of the dummy set refines and hones the techniques learned in Sil Lim Tau, Chum Kiu, and Biu Gee. It also greatly strengthens the power of your forearms, improves foot work and sinking energy, as well as refining the skills of Chi Sau. In this video, Master Chan demonstrates not only the entire Mok Yan Jong, but also provides explanations and examples of Chi Sau and Combat apllications applying the techniques of the Mok Yan Jong.

Wing Chun Wooden Dummy, Ip Man, Ving Tsun Dummy, Jeet Kuen Do, Bruce Lee, Sam Chan, Wing Chun video, Wing Chun Instruction, Wing Chun distance learning, martial art, kung fu, shaolin kung fu, tai chi.

Directed by Sam Chan

SexNo sexual references
LanguageNo bad language
ViolenceNo violence
DrugsNo drug use or references
NudityNo Nudity
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Released 2007
Genre Martial Arts
Runtime 00:32:33
Date Limits Starts 7/21/2015