
Ip Man Wing Chun Series: Bak Jom Dao Volume 6

International Wing Chun Martial Art Association Instructional Video

In the Bak Jom Dao weapon form, the pair of knives act as a extensions of the hands, utilizing the techniques learned in the hands forms. This weapon set introduces new body weighting and retreating and advancing footwork. Practice of the Bak Jom Dao can also improve wrist strength and overall mobility in combat, and can also improve Chi Sau skills by applying knife techniques into Chi Sau. Each movement of the knives cut, slashes, or stabs directly at the centerline of your opponent. The form utilizes movements that are simultaneously offensive and defensive by using the knives in unison. In this sixty minute video, Master Sam Hing Fai Chun will go through the entire weapon set, walking you through all eight sections of the Bak Jom Dao.

Wing Chun kinves, Wing Chun Bak Jom Dao, Ip Man wing chun, Wing Chun video, Ip Man video, Ip ching Wing Chun, Ip Chun, Bruce Lee, Jeet Kuen Do, Wong Shun Leung Wing Chun

Directed by Sam Chan

SexNo sexual references
LanguageNo bad language
ViolenceNo violence
DrugsNo drug use or references
NudityNo Nudity
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Released 2006
Genre Martial Arts
Runtime 01:05:22
Date Limits Starts 7/21/2015