
Ip Man Wing Chun Series: Chum Kiu - Volume 2

International Wing Chun Martial Art Association Instructional Video

Chum Kiu - taught to generate power through body shifting, the use of footwork, and the theory of two-directional force. This form train the hands moving independently of each other in a supporting role as well as being coordinated with body shifting and stepping. The first two kicks of Wing Chun, "thrusting kick" and "lifting kick" are also introduced in this form.
The spinning motions learned in Chum Kiu generate additional force by rooting into the ground and to redirect your opponent's strike to both deflect their energy and move them into a less favorable position.

Wing Chun Chum Kiu, kung fu, martial art, bruce lee, sam chan, wong shun leung, ip man, ip ching, ip chun, wing chun instruction, wing chun instructor, wing chun online program.

Produced by Sam Chan 

SexNo sexual references
LanguageNo bad language
ViolenceNo violence
DrugsNo drug use or references
NudityNo Nudity
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Released 2007
Genre Martial Arts
Runtime 0:47:20
Date Limits Starts 7/7/2015